Call for Papers

ONLY online submission is acceptable. here

Deadline for abstract submission: March 31, 2008

Instruction for Preparation of Abstracts

All abstracts must be written in English.
Page layout
The size of the published page is 21.0 x 29.7 cm (A4). Abstracts should be of one page, prepared to this size.
Margins should be set at 2.5cm top and bottom, 2.0cm both sides.
The title, authors’ names and affiliation should use the whole width of the page. The main text should be presented as two columns, with a space of 0.8cm in between.
All manuscripts must be typed in Times New Roman font.
Title and authors
The title should be typed in upper case (capital) letters, font size 12 point, set to the left.
One line space should be left, then authors’ names (forename then surname) typed in upper/lower case, 11pt, set to the left. Superscript letters should be used to indicate authors with different affiliations. The surname of the presenting author should be underlined.
One line space should be left, then the authors’ affiliations (preceded if appropriate by the superscript letter) typed in italics 11pt, set to the left. The address of at least the presenting author should be followed by his/her e-mail address, in brackets.
The main text of the abstract should be typed in two-column format, each column justified. The font size used should be 11pt with single line spacing.
The first line of the first paragraph should not be indented; the first line of subsequent paragraphs indented by 4 characters. No line space should be left between paragraphs.
Footnotes, indicated in the text by a superscript numeral, should be typed at the foot of the column, in 10pt font size, preceded by the superscript numeral.
References should be numbered in order of their appearance in the text. They should be cited in the text by number, in square brackets e.g. [1], [2,3].
References, identified by their numbers in square brackets, should be typed in sequence at the end of the text. They should be typed in 10pt font size and should give in order; authors’ names (initial, surname), abbreviated title of journal (in italics), volume number (bold), first and last pages, year (in brackets). E.g.
[1] S. Takeda and Y. Tsuji, Carot. Sci., 5, 32-33 (2002).
References to chapters in books should be given as follows
[2] J. Hirschberg, in Carotenoids Vol. 3: Biosynthesis and Metabolism (ed. G. Britton, S. Liaaen- Jenson and H. Pfander) pp. 149-194. Birkhäuser, Basel (1998).
Acknowledgements should be given at the end of the main text, preceding the list of references.
Figures, Tables, Formulae
Any Figures, Tables, formulae or schemes should be inserted in the appropriate place in the text, with a clear space above and below. Captions should be typed underneath, font size 10pt.
If it is essential to include a figure or scheme that covers the whole width of the page, this should be placed at the bottom of the page, below all the text.
Authors should consult the accompanying example which has been prepared according to these instructions.